Partnerships achieve the best results.
Friends we have worked with and for.
about us
SuperSocial is academy, office, and a bunch of people interested in doing good. We offer workshops, seminars, services, and products focused on social media marketing, besides finding some time to create and support social impact projects.
ceo with a passion for social impact, sweet popcorn, and off-beaten-track-travelling
info designer with a passion for scuba diving, spinach omelettes and design
Anna Maria
team support with a passion for her kids, classical music, and food
content creator with a passion for stories, pasta and making a difference
research support with a passion for history, avatar and Käsespätzle
Say hi! 👋
No jobs available at the moment.
We would love to meet or hear from you! You can find us in Engerthstraße 143 in Vienna, write an e-mail to or even give a call to +43 664 4664707.